NSW Coal services have recently changed the reporting processes through their online portal. All new medical reports have been updated and adopted by Corporate Doctors Plus, effective immediately, to ensure compliance.
NSW Coal services have asked us to submit the new Order 43 medicals online through their portal. NSW Coal Services will then access the submission and provide an approval via email within 48 business hours to you, the employer, and Corporate Doctors Plus. They have advised us to wait until this email is received to release the results to the employers/workers.
At Corporate Doctors Plus we offer:
- Site Induction Medical Assessment – this is a NEW NSW Coal Medical Assessment
- Special Combo Deal – NSW Order 43 plus Site Induction Medical Assessment
- AMAs/Doctors – we have 3 AMAs (doctors approved to perform NSW and Qld Coal Medicals) located at our Corporate Doctors Plus Clinic. We have a network of affiliates Australia wide.
- Onsite Services – For your convenience and that of your workers we also have pathology, audiometry/audio booth, spirometry, Face Fit testing, and a treatment room (for injury management), onsite at Corporate Doctors Plus.
Our point of difference:
- Competitive prices
- Same day appointments
- Short wait times
- Highly experienced team of doctors, nurses & allied Health professionals
- Efficient administration staff
- Direct line of communication to our Directors, GPs and Management staff
- Bespoke clinic and facilities
Please call us on (07) 3357 8192 for an appointment OR if you have any queries, please feel free to contact Leanne Rooijmans our Client Services Manager on 0402 299 832. On behalf of our Directors Dr Maria Boulton and Dr Fiona Raciti, we thank you for your consideration of our services. Please feel free to contact us if you require any assistance. We are here to help.
To find out more about our services & capabilities, please visit www.corporatedoctorsplus.com.au