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Coal industry medicals: protecting your staff and your bottom line
At Corporate Doctors Plus our team of health professionals, examining medical officers and appointed medical advisors are ready to complete your Coal, Mineral and Quarry Mine Medicals. A Mine Medical is a prerequisite medical examination required for anyone seeking employment in the coal mine, mineral mine and quarry industries in Qld and coal mines in NSW. Every coal mining company must ensure that a health assessment is carried out for each person who is to be offered employment or is already employed as a mine worker. Coal Mine, Mineral Mine and Quarry Medicals pre –employment, periodic and exit medicals are used to determine fitness for work, and to provide early diagnosis and intervention for respiratory diseases such as workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis.
The legislative requirements for coal medicals in QLD and NSW change frequently. Our team at Corporate Doctors Plus can navigate you through these changes to ensure you are protecting your employees and your bottom line.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Register now
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