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Why choose Corporate Doctors Plus?

Why choose Corporate Doctors Plus?

At Corporate Doctors Plus, our experienced health professionals provide a completely different approach to corporate health. We use the latest evidence-based research to provide comprehensive and tailored medical care for organisations and their workforces. At Corporate Doctors Plus, we pride ourselves on being competitively priced, without compromising on quality corporate health care.

We take pride in our culture of education, prevention, accuracy, and credibility. All our clients benefit from a direct line of communication with our directors, Dr Maria Boulton and Dr Fiona Raciti, as well as access to a respiratory physician, allied health team and pathology all on-site. We have affiliates in other cities across Australia to provide quality corporate health services for your convenience. Our focus is on early return to work, which is facilitated by an individual rehabilitation program that includes a suitable duties plan. We value communication with the worker’s employer during this process.


Did you know that we can come to you?

While many businesses are closed throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Corporate Doctors Plus remains open to ensure business continuity of your industry. We are currently able to travel to you for your employee’s medical assessment needs**

We understand that your employees’ health is important to your business’s bottom line – injured and sick employees can impact on your company significantly in terms of sick leave, loss of productivity and rising insurance premiums. Our focus is not only on the medical management of workplace injuries but also on prevention. We help employees with their overall health, fitness, and emotional wellbeing, as we collaborate with employers to improve workplace health.


Our professional corporate health team

At Corporate Doctors Plus we have three highly experienced doctors (Dr Maria Boulton, Dr Fiona Raciti and Dr Norman Dawes) that are appointed medical advisors (AMA) for the Queensland Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme and the NSW Order 43 Coal Mine Workers’ Medical scheme. The AMA’s role is to carry out, supervise and report on health assessments and retirement examinations for the employer’s coal mine workers. We also have a dedicated skin health and travel doctors for your convenience.


Our team includes:

  • 13 GPs and Occupational Health Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Respiratory Physician
  • Psychologists
  • Health and Wellness Coaches
  • Visiting specialists

Our services include

  • Pre-employment medicals
  • Corporate Services & executive health management
  • Drug & alcohol testing
  • Coal medicals (3 appointed AMAs)
  • Respirator/face fit testing for NSW Order 43 medicals and for your corporate needs
  • Spirometry (respiratory function testing)
  • ECG (cardiac test)
  • Audiometry (hearing test)
  • Visual screening
  • Musculoskeletal assessment
  • Functional assessment
  • Licensing requirements (medicals for commercial and heavy-duty driving licences & dangerous goods)
  • Workplace site visit & injury prevention
  • Workplace injury management & WorkCover
  • Minor trauma – wound care, suturing.


Your Benefits

  • Open 7 days
  • Same day bookings
  • Quality service
  • Accuracy Direct communication with management
  • State-of-the-art treatment room and equipment
  • Brisbane Head Clinic centrally located 10 minutes from Brisbane Airport
  • QML Pathology is on-site five days a week


Want to know more?

If you have any queries or to view our competitive price list, email Leanne Roojimans, our Client Services Manager at admin@corporatedoctorsplus.com.au


**Conditions apply. Please email or call for more information).